Crystal Lake and Lakewood leaders on Friday touted some of their communities' biggest successes of last year, including the new businesses opening along the Route 14 corridor in Crystal Lake and the city being touted as one of the top suburban Chicago food and drink destinations.
In a nod to the timing of this year’s Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce’s State of the Community event, Crystal Lake Mayor Haig Haleblian wished attendees a happy Valentine’s Day and reminded everyone that the Independence Day Lakeside Festival was 140 days away.
The mayor, who unlike many McHenry County community leaders is not up for reelection this spring, reflected on some of the highlights of 2024, including the creation of the Crystal Lake youth commission that advises the City Council on issues young people face.
Haleblian credited City Council member Denise Smith with coming up with the idea; he said Smith approached him about six months ago with it. The mayor thought it was “genius,” and the city got “seven of the most amazing young men and women I’ve ever had the experience of working with” on the youth council.
Haleblian said the city was No. 1 in the county for auto sales, with $312 million in 2024. Crystal Lake also was 10th in the Chicago area for home improvement sales, garnering more than $112 million at those stores.
In a video presentation put together for the luncheon, the city recapped other highlights from schools, library and other agencies. Among them was that all four of Community School District 155’s high schools again ranked among the top 14% of high schools in America.
“This recognition reflects our community’s commitment to student success,” according to a State of the Community booklet handed out to attendees.
Lakewood officials also had a video touting their village’s achievements in 2024. Among them was Redtail Golf Club opening a new clubhouse. On the horizon for Lakewood in 2025 is the opening of Lakewood Meadows Park off Haligus Road in the spring.
Village President David Stavropoulos is running unopposed for another term this spring.
What’s coming up for Crystal Lake includes some renovations at Depot Park. The renovations will add more seating areas and a performance area. There also will be native plantings and a community Christmas tree at the park.
The city is leveraging its strengths in a vibrant downtown. The mayor also boasted the city’s 99% downtown occupancy rate.
“Instead of us having to go down to Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights is going to come up to Crystal Lake, and they’re going to shop and dine,” Haleblian said.
Construction that will feature more turn lanes and a signal at the Three Oaks Road-Sands Road-Lutter Drive intersection, as well as a multi-use path along the south side of Three Oaks Road, is expected to start this spring.
A path around the lake at Three Oaks Recreation Area off Route 14, which Haleblian said is the city’s “jewel,” is expected to be finished in 2026. Construction on the trail started last month, according to the booklet.
“We’re just getting started, folks,” Haleblian said after the video played.