December 13, 2024
Crime & Courts | The Times

Crime & Courts

Police Blotter 6-13-19

The Times relies on reports furnished by police in our coverage area. If you know of a police matter but do not see it reported in The Times, contact us at 815-431-4073 or


William C. Johnson IV, 20, Ottawa, was cited Wednesday at First Avenue and Gentlemen Road on a complaint of unlawful possession of marijuana. Johnson was released after posting $150.

Cole E. LaVoy, 18, Ottawa, was arrested Wednesday in the 1600 block of Sycamore Street on a complaint of resisting a peace officer. LaVoy was released with a court date.

Albert A. Janzen, 61, Ottawa, was cited Thursday at La Salle and West Marquette streets on complaints of driving while license suspended, display of a false insurance card and operating an uninsured motor vehicle. Janzen was released on bond.


Cory Page, 19, homeless, was arrested Thursday on a complaint of criminal damage to property. Page was released with a court date. The incident in question was a damaged windshield that was reported in Wednesday's blotter.

Streator police received a complaint at 8:39 a.m. Wednesday regarding fraud that remains under investigation.

Streator police responded at 6:32 p.m. Wednesday to Vermillion and Hickory streets for a report of an unidentified woman stealing money from a vehicle. The incident remains under investigation.

La Salle County

Demetrius Perry, 42, Wenona, was arrested at 12:03 a.m. Wednesday on Interstate 39 near Tonica on a La Salle County failure to appear warrant on a charge of escape. Perry was taken to the county jail. Bond was set at $300.

Fire calls

Ottawa firefighters responded at 11:54 a.m. Wednesday to the Kanthak House, 727 Second Ave., for an alarm set off while painting with aerosol cans.

Ottawa firefighters responded at 10:43 a.m. Wednesday to 906 Canal St. for an alarm caused by cooking smoke.