The Times relies on reports furnished by police in our coverage area. If you know of a police matter but do not see it reported in The Times, contact us at 815-431-4073 or
Streator police responded at 4:14 a.m. Thursday to Circle K, 1727 N. Bloomington St., for a report of an individual stealing a bottle of alcohol.
Fire calls
Ottawa firefighters responded at 12:54 p.m. Wednesday to 400 E. Washington St. for an alarm that was determined to be faulty.
Streator firefighters responded at 1:25 p.m. Wednesday to 1405 N. Sterling St. for an illegal burn that was extinguished.
Streator firefighters responded at 5:10 p.m. Wednesday and 3:49 a.m. Thursday to 609 N. Everett St. for alarms set off by cooking smoke.
Streator firefighters responded at 9:50 a.m. Thursday to 1401 N. Otter Creek St. for a report of a downed line that turned out to be a phone line.