Some people are born leaders. You can tell from a young age they are going to lead.
Others are made. Made through experiences, made throughout their lives, some probably forced to become leaders even if they did not want to be one.
Although leaders are made in different ways, they all share something. They all share qualities that make them leaders, that give them the ability to be the ones others look toward. There are many qualities that make great leaders, but the greatest will always have ambition, courage and confidence.
Ambition is something everyone has. Everyone has the desire to achieve something at some point in their lives. Only some choose to act on it. Having ambition and acting on ambition are two very different things. Many people want high-paying careers, beautiful homes and cars. For how many people is that going to be a reality? The truth is, not many.
Why, you ask? Because it takes courage to act on ambition. True leaders are those who have the courage to go after their ambitions.
Having the courage to work toward their goals even if they are farfetched, even if they could fail. Without courage, you are just another ambitious person too afraid to try. As a leader, you need to be the person who is not afraid to try. You need to be the person who steps away from the crowd and toward your goals, because when you take that step and others see you take that step, you might give them courage to take that step, too. That is leadership.
Many people are going to name qualities like patience, communication and empathy. All of these are great qualities, but none of them spoke to me quite like confidence. A lot of people are afraid of saying they are confident, afraid others will find them self-centered or stuck up.
Confidence is the most important quality in a leader. Without confidence, how are you supposed to have the courage to act on your ambitions? If you truly do not believe in yourself, then how will others? Being confident is what makes a leader. Not just thinking, but knowing you have the ability to reach your goals is the glue that holds ambition and courage together.
Some people are born with natural leadership skills while others develop them over time. In those born with natural leadership skills, you can see it at an early age. You can see it in the ways they interact with their peers and adults. The bossy girl in elementary school — everyone had that girl, maybe you were even that girl — but I bet she is a great leader. With others, it takes time to make a leader. Years of life experiences molds them into a leader. Self-made leaders at one time had a leader themselves, someone they looked up to and maybe even envied.
It takes leaders to make leaders. If the leaders are doing it right, they create leaders after them.
There are many qualities that make great leaders, but the greatest will always have ambition, courage and confidence. To have the ambition to work for what you want and the courage to act, but also the confidence in yourself to get there. Without these three qualities, you do not have a leader. With these qualities, no matter if you are born with them, you attain them through life or you develop those skills, you have the ability to lead.
When it comes down to it, it is up to you to decide if you are just going to have the ability to lead, or if you are going to be a leader.
KYLIE KOONTZ is a senior at Earlville High School. She can be contacted via Assistant Editor Julie Barichello at