Food trucks return to Mendota on Oct. 23

Only 2 more Food Truck events remaining this season

Philly Factory won the honor of crowd favorite. Their Factory Favorite, sirloin steak and cheese, grilled with onions and peppers, topped with lettuce and tomato on a 4-inch roll. It was the sandwich that inspired the truck.

Reimagine Mendota’s “Food Truck Mainia” is set 4 to 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 23, on Main Street in front of the train depot.

Tony’s Butt Shack, Philly Factory, Salinas Mexican Food, Chef Soma L & J, Tacos Guzman, Maria’s Pizza and Didoughs Pretzel are expected.

The Mendota Christian Food Pantry will be selling raffle tickets for the H & H Builders Fundraiser. The tickets are $20 each and they are selling 250 tickets. One winner will win 8 hours worth of carpentry work from one man furnished by H & H Builders. The package has a $1,000 value.

The Boy Scouts will be selling popcorn.

Additionally, 50/50 tickets will be sold. The pot has exceed $1,000. Visitors get a ticket from each food truck/vendor after purchases. This gives them a chance to win a $25 Chamber Bucks gift certificate.

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