Reimagine Mendota’s “Food Truck Mainia” is set 4 to 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 23, on Main Street in front of the train depot.
Tony’s Butt Shack, Philly Factory, Salinas Mexican Food, Chef Soma L & J, Tacos Guzman, Maria’s Pizza and Didoughs Pretzel are expected.
The Mendota Christian Food Pantry will be selling raffle tickets for the H & H Builders Fundraiser. The tickets are $20 each and they are selling 250 tickets. One winner will win 8 hours worth of carpentry work from one man furnished by H & H Builders. The package has a $1,000 value.
The Boy Scouts will be selling popcorn.
Additionally, 50/50 tickets will be sold. The pot has exceed $1,000. Visitors get a ticket from each food truck/vendor after purchases. This gives them a chance to win a $25 Chamber Bucks gift certificate.