Marseilles to accept applications through Nov. 27 for Shop with a Cop event

Police officers will take selected children to Walmart on Dec. 9

Marseilles Police Department will be handing out turkey tickets to select motorists during low-severity traffic stops.

The Marseilles Police Department is accepting applications through Nov. 27 for its 18th annual Shop with a Cop event Dec. 9.

The Marseilles Police Department will be selecting children to take on a shopping trip to Walmart in Ottawa, where they will be able to buy Christmas gifts for themselves and family members. Children will be paired with a police officer who will assist them in their shopping trip.

Children eligible for selection must live within the city limits of Marseilles, attend Marseilles Elementary School, be in kindergarten through eighth grade, be in need and have not participated in this program in the past.

Anyone wishing to donate to this program may do so by forwarding your contribution to the Marseilles Police Association, 142 Lincoln St., Marseilles, IL 61341. For information, call administrative assistant Laurie at 815-795-2131, ext. 11, or Michelle, ext. 24.

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