Seneca High School named its students of the month for September.
Student of the Month
Faith Baker is the daughter of Deb and Bryan Baker of Verona. She plans to attend college to study exercise science and play volleyball. She is in volleyball, basketball, track and field, TRUST, ACES, Spanish Club, FCA and FFA.
Role model
Gabi Maxwell is the daughter of Hannah and Terry Maxwell of Seneca. She is active in CIA, co-leads FCA, TRUST, National Honor Society, Young Philanthropy, choir, volleyball and track and field. She plans to attend a private university to continue her education in nursing and continue to participate in track and field.
Irish pride
Chris Peura is the son of Rachel and Bill Milton of Mazon. He plans to attend college and major in exercise science and continue to play football and wrestle. He is in football, wrestling and track.
Rookie of the Month
Aurora Weber is the daughter of Michelle and Nicoles Weber of Mazon. She has plans to attend the University of Illinois, where she would like to play college sports. She also wants to travel and visit new places. She is active in volleyball, FFA and plans to try out for softball or track.