Fort du Rocher Chapter of DAR pays tribute to veterans

Group to meet Dec. 9 to make Christmas cards for veterans, host potluck

Fort du Rocher Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Laura Schaefer and Ruth Meinhardt divide up cards for Honor Flight veterans.

The Fort du Rocher Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met Nov. 11 at the Illinois Veterans Home in La Salle.

In honor of Veterans Day, at 11:11, members stood for a minute of silence for those service members who gave their lives.

Regent Donna Jungnickel conducted the meeting. New member Laura Lonnie Schaefer was introduced. Two more memberships are pending. Members were reminded to record their volunteer hours on the web site. Jungnickel presented two U.S. D.A.R. certificates to the chapter - for pins sold in support of the DAR Schools and the blue ribbon for 50 members or less.

Joni Bratney said toffee will be coming in soon. Pick up will be at the First Presbyterian Church, 1003 Fifth St., Mendota. Members are asked to buy/sell at least five boxes.

Committee reports followed in which many interesting female veterans were described, including Patriot Anna Smith Strong, a member of the Culper Spy ring who used her laundry to send messages; Bea Arthur was a truck driver in the Marine Corps Women’s Reserve during World War II; Gen. Ann Dunwoody was the first female four-star general; Gracy Hopper Murray, aka “Amazing Grace,” developed the COBOL computer program; Irene Kellen was an Air Force colonel and first woman to head a space shuttle, Harriet Tubman was part of an espionage team during the Civil War; Elsie Ott, a flight nurse, pioneered air evacuation practices and was the first female to earn the U.S. Air medal, Sarah Edman dressed as a man, “Franklin Thompson,” fought in Civil War and was found out when in hospital, Mary Edwards was the first female army surgeon. The most interesting veteran was Sgt. Reckless, the first commissioned four-legged officer. This horse was trained carry supplies on her own under fire back and forth from supply to trenches during the Korean War.

Members divided materials for construction of 3,000 poppies for the Veterans home. Some also took cards to write notes to Honor Flight veterans thanking them for their service. The veterans will receive these when they return home from their flight.

Members were reminded to collect calendars that will be given to the Logan Correction Center. No wire bound calendars can be used. Bring them to the December meeting. Also, bring Christmas cards for the La Salle veterans home residents. Members will write notes of appreciation and good wishes during the meeting.

The December meeting will be 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 9 at the First Presbyterian Church. The annual Christmas potluck will be held after the meeting.

Any woman older than 18 years of age whose lineage traces back to a Revolutionary War patriot, who wishes to learn more about Daughters of the American Revolution is invited to attend the next meeting or go online to

Fort du Rocher Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution members Carolyn Schultz, Leslie Althaus and Joni Bratney work on the poppy project.
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