Six students were honored Thursday by the Illini Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution after they were named Good Citizen Award winners in their respective schools.
Jenna Gamons, of Marquette Academy; Emma Cushing, of Ottawa High School; Kate Biros, of Seneca High School; Mackenzie Manke, of Serena High School; Abby Mascal, of Streator High School; and Lanee Lucas, of Woodland High School were honored during a ceremony Thursday at Reddick Mansion in Ottawa.
Gamons was selected the chapter’s scholarship winner and she will advance to compete at the district level for a chance to compete at state and national levels.
“I’m honored,” Gamons said. “I’m very grateful for the opportunity.”
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in 1890 to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism. Its members are descended from the patriots who won American independence during the Revolutionary War. The DAR has more than 3,000 chapters across the United States.
The Good Citizen Award, in particular, is given to one exemplary student per high school. Those students are selected by high school staff.
The students were given a tour of the Reddick Mansion by Lorraine McCallister, director of the Reddick Mansion Association, following the program.
Gamons is ranked No. 1 in her class of 38 at Marquette with a GPA of 4.37. She is the president of the student council and president of the Key Club at Marquette. She participated in Fine Arts Club and the FFA. She also is a member of Companions in Christ, the ACS Team, the Order of the M, the Crazy Cru, the Science Club, the Prom Committee, the student ambassadors and the robotics team. She received the student excellence award from the Regional Office of Education, as well as the Illinois Valley Community College presidential honors. She is a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and the National Honor Society. She was elected the Ottawa Sunrise Rotary student of the month. In her spare time, she is a member of the poms team and the softball team. She has volunteered more than 200 hours of community service, tutors her classmates and serves at her church. She works part-time at a local restaurant and as a lifeguard and coach at the YMCA. She scored a 32 on her ACT and in May she will receive her diploma from Marquette and an associate of arts degree and associate of science degree from IVCC. Her plans are to become a college math professor.
Cushing has a GPA of 4.463 and ranks number 12 in her class of 297. She is a member of Do Change peer mentor program and was the mentor event point champion. She also is a member of the student council, Key Club, Rotary Club, Chemistry Club and Fine Arts Club. She serves as the vice president of Ottawa’s honors society. She is a member of superfans. She received National Rural and Small-Town Recognition and was selected as Big Future Ambassador. She was a HOBY leadership recipient. In her spare time, she plays tennis. Last year, she went to state. This year at state she and her partner placed sixth in state. She uses her tennis ability to help younger children. The last two summers, she volunteered to teach the kindergarten through second graders tennis skills. She also is the solo manager of the concession stand for Ottawa Lady Pirates basketball games. Her future plans are to study biochemistry and become a part of the pre-med program. The next step in her future is a residency program and her goal is to become a radiation oncologist. One of her recommendations said “she has an unwavering intellectual curiosity and does not shy away from expressing her views while appreciating the views of others.”
Biros is active in FFA where she has won the Star Greenhand Award and Leadership Team Officer. She also is on student council, the student advisory council, student ambassador team and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She was the junior varsity and varsity captain of the scholastic bowl team. She participates in Teens Resisting Unhealthy Social Temptations and is a member of the National Honor Society. She serves as manager of the cross country team. She is a part of the Spanish Club and Drama Club. She took part in the musicals “Little Women” and “High School Musical,” and in the play “Puffs.” She’s on the math team and was Rookie of the Year for the Speech Team. She has been Rookie of the Month, Role Model of the Month and Student of the Month for Seneca. She was honored to be in the College Board National Recognition Program. She has many hobbies and serves her community in many ways, including once or twice a month taking food to the local food pantry with her FFA advisor. Her plans are to major in elementary education with an endorsement in middle school education and possibly study abroad for a semester.
Manke has been a part of the junior varsity and varsity volleyball teams and the junior varsity and varsity softball teams. She also plays golf. She serves as president of the student council and secretary of the National Honor Society. She performs with the concert band and the marching band and she received the leadership award twice. She volunteers at the scorers’ table for athletic games. She’s in Drama Club, the academic bowl and the prom committee. She assists with Feed My Starving Children and United Way Labor of Love. She is a lifeguard at a local indoor water park and she’s a barista at the coffee chain Scooters. She plans to graduate in December and take community college classes until fall. In the fall, she plans to attend a four-year university. Her future plans are to major in business law with a minor in communications and then eventually to become a corporate attorney. Her Spanish teacher said of her “Ms. Manke is kind and driven and brilliant and loyal and tireless.”
Mascal is ranked No. 1 in her class of 178 with a GPA of 4.47. She has A pluses. She has scored 100% on almost every paper she has turned in the last four years. She has been statistical secretary of her Key Club the last two years and stakeholder and vice president of Snowball. She’s in the National Thespian Society and the Drama Club. She serves as the senior class president. She’s in National Honor Society. She ahs been student of the month nine times with departments including Social Studies, Math, Science, Health, Driver’s Ed, Fine Arts and Foreign Language. She has participated in a leadership competition and a math competition. She’s in Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering. She hasn’t missed a single day of school since she started high school. She has participated in a shoe drive, food drives, providing community meals, decorating nursing homes and writing cards to veterans. She came up with the idea of inviting food trucks to school. Some of the profit goes to raising money for the Neuroscience Research Foundation. She also organized a before and after school program at the local YMCA. It provides childcare for elementary-aged kids. She started a cooking class at the Y. She raised enough money through her Snowball Club to bring a speaker to tell about his experiences with drugs and recovery. Braid Brittin, Streator’s guidance counselor, said “She has helped with the Lions Club take down flags, slept out all night in a cardboard box to raise money for the homeless shelter, volunteered her help at Pluto Fest, rung bells for the Salvation Army and served food at Streator community meals.” She also dances and teaches dance.
Lucas will have taken 21 hours of college instruction by the end of this year. She is a straight A student. She has been involved in the Key Club for the past four years and now is serving as the president. She also has been involved in Student Council and the National Honor Society, where she serves as the vice president. She has served as class president each of her four years at high school and has worked to encourage reading among the young children in her school. She has found ways to honor her educators for their service and has tutored struggling students. She has sent Christmas gifts and cards to nursing home residents. She has helped raise money to meet the needs of families in her school and community and to purchase supplies for multiple NHS service projects. She participates in anti-bullying NHS buddies events at her school and worked to promote positive relationships between the NHS members and students with special needs. She enorolled in the CNA program at Livingston Area Career Center and now has an after-school job as a CNA at a local retirement home. She has achieved high honors throughout high school and has been named student of the month several times. She plans to graduate in May 2024 and go on to study biology and chemistry. She will attend medical school. Melissa Fink, her advisor, said of her “Lanee shows genuine concern for those around her and approaches situations with a humble mindset.”