Woodland teacher awarded Virginia Williams Teacher Scholarship in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Lincoln Forum brings together scholars, educators, students

Woodland teacher Matthew Phillips stands on the exact spot where Lincoln would have stood on Nov. 19, 1863, while delivering the “Gettysburg Address.” An arced platform would have been on the site and Lincoln would be facing towards the National Soldiers’ Memorial (background), which was not present at the time of Lincoln delivering the speech.

Matthew Phillips, junior high and high school social studies teacher at Woodland School in rural Streator, was awarded the Virginia Williams Teacher Scholarship at the 28th Lincoln Forum, which occurred Nov. 16-18 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

The full scholarship is awarded annually to three teachers in the nation. The Lincoln Forum brings together esteemed Lincoln scholars, educators, students and the public to discuss and honor the life and legacy of President Abraham Lincoln. It provides a unique and engaging experience that culminates with the anniversary of Lincoln’s dedication speech, the “Gettysburg Address,” on Nov. 19. Gettysburg provides its own ceremonies to honor dedication day. This year marked the 160th Anniversary of the “Gettysburg Address.”

Phillips was able to meet esteemed Lincoln scholars, attend lecture sessions and gain resources to further his performance and instruction in the classroom. Phillips was able to stay in Gettysburg and attend the ceremonies Nov. 19.

Some of Phillips’ favorite moments include meeting Doris Kearns Goodwin, Harold Holzer, Jonathan White, Graham Sibley (portrayed Lincoln in the History Channel Series Abraham Lincoln), and standing on the exact spot where Lincoln delivered his “Gettysburg Address.” He emphasized the thrill of being able to attend the Dedication Day ceremonies in Gettysburg to honor the anniversary of Lincoln’s famous speech.

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