Bureau County Farm Bureau creates Community Impact Grant Program

Grants can be up to $5,000

Participants show goats on Thursday, Aug. 24, 2023 at the Bureau County Fair in Princeton.

The Bureau County Farm Bureau created the Community Impact Grant Program to facilitate partnerships with local groups countywide on projects that have an impact in communities.

For more than 100 years, the Bureau County Farm Bureau and its family of companies have offered programs and services in the county to inform, strengthen and develop the agricultural industry with the community.

The farm bureau continues that same mission today by investing time and resources to provide information and support to improve financial stability and quality of life for members.

There are many great ideas for community-based projects that do not become a reality because of funding support. The Community Impact Grant Program seeks to identify projects that will improve the community and create partnerships with groups and individuals to make those projects a reality.

Proposals will be accepted through Feb. 29, 2024. The submitting organization or individual must be based in Bureau County and have operations in the county. Examples of organizations include school groups, civic organizations, churches, 4-H clubs, food banks, FFA chapters, etc. Projects that have a lasting, multiyear impact will be favored over those with a short-term impact.

The awarded grant can be up to $5,000. The amount awarded will be determined at the time of selection. Grant awards will be announced in late spring, with project completion to occur by Aug. 15, 2024.

The grant is provided through a partnership between Bureau County Farm Bureau and Country Financial representatives in Bureau County: Mike Morris, Ron Behrends, Tyler Hansen, TJ Scruggs, G.W. Leynaud, Michael Alvarado and Dan Kniss.

The link to the grant application is on the Bureau County Farm Bureau website at bureaucountyfarmbureau.org. A link to the application can be emailed if requested. For information, contact the Community Impact Grant Program at 815-875-6468 or Jill Frueh at jfrueh@bureaucountyfarmbureau.org.

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