Spirit Matters: Existing in the presence of the angels

Jerrilyn Zavada Novak

January can be a really tough month.

I have never been a fan of it, although at this time in my life, it is not as overwhelming to endure as it has been in the past.

A big reason for that, I believe, is that my living situation has changed. I am married now, and my husband and I cohabitate with our 10-year-old black Labrador, Zeke.

Having your person around during these dark, often bitterly cold times – even when in different rooms in your home – is a comfort that is hard to describe. Just knowing there is someone who can run to the store for cough medicine or start your car for you, or any number of other things that seem like mountains to climb when you are single, is an unbelievably huge breath of fresh air.

This has been especially evident as I have recovered from surgery at the end of December. My husband has been patient, loving and supportive in countless ways. And I can’t help but believe that embodied devotion is a major reason I am ahead of the curve in recovery time.

It is important to note, as someone who lived happily alone for many years, that there are numerous pros to the single life. And for those who are living that lifestyle, whether by choice or not, it can be an opportunity for great spiritual growth and discovery if one is open to it.

It is necessary, however, to have a supportive network of friends and family to call upon when needed. It took me a long time to realize I didn’t have to carry the weight of my world by myself, and to reach out for help when needed.

We often worry we are imposing on others, but the truth is they are more than willing to help – they just can’t read our minds.

Sometimes we just need to humble ourselves and ask.

I mentioned Zeke earlier. He spent the first three weeks after my surgery at my mom’s house. He loves it at Grandma’s. For a dog, he has a pretty sweet setup when he is there.

While he was over there, our house was quiet and conducive to rest and recovery without his often strong-pawed needs and demands.

But early on, when I was vomiting and weak from not being able to eat, I couldn’t help but think what a difference it would make to have the comforting presence of a pet to boost my spirits. In my discomfort, I felt his absence, knowing from previous experience that him being in the same room, gently snoring like he is right now, would have been enough to brighten my day.

Switching gears a bit, I would be remiss not to note that despite January’s seeming endlessness, I have long looked forward to Jan. 24. This day is the memorial of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers and authors.

He is also known for his gentle spirit and teachings on the sacred heart of Jesus, so there are many reasons our spirits resonate with one another.

I have long felt his presence and prayers in my life, and I credit his intercession with much of my evolution spiritually and as a writer.

But Jan. 24 isn’t just a day to celebrate St. Francis de Sales. It is also the birthday of the late spiritual writer and priest Henri Nouwen.

Like St. Francis de Sales, Nouwen has been deeply influential on me both spiritually and as a writer.

He wrote prolifically about matters of the heart. In particular, his short book “The Way of the Heart” has been a primary guiding force in my spiritual life and is one of those volumes I often refer back to more than 25 years after I first read it.

It seems to me that these two gentlemen, who lived more than three centuries apart, were kindred spirits with one another. The commonalities in their spirituality and approach continue to educate and inspire me and countless other souls around the world.

The communion of saints in action – those of us here on planet Earth, helping one another in practical ways. And those of us who have passed through that ever-so-thin veil that separates us, helping one another in spiritual ways.

What a blessing and a gift for everyone involved.

Until next time ...

SPIRIT MATTERS is a weekly column by Jerrilyn Zavada Novak that examines experiences common to the human spirit. Contact her at jzblue33@yahoo.com.

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