Bureau Valley CUSD 340 has set the week of Feb. 20-23 for kindergarten pre-registration at Bureau Valley Elementary buildings in Walnut and Wyanet.
Parents may pre-register their child at the attendance center their child will attend. You may pre-register between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on those dates. Children who will be 5 years old on or before Sept. 1 will be eligible to attend kindergarten in the fall. The pre-registration process is very simple and only takes a few minutes for parents to complete. Children are not required to attend the registration process. Incoming kindergarten students will be able to meet their teachers and see their classroom at a meet ‘n greet in August.
Parents will be required to present proof of age (certified copy of birth certificate) at the time of pre-registration. A certified copy of a birth certificate may be acquired at the courthouse in the county in which the child was born.
A packet will be issued to parents containing some registration paperwork, a health form, dental form, lead screening verification, vision exam form and some informational sheets. All registration paperwork will need to be completed and turned in the week of Feb. 20-23. All health, dental, and vision forms are due at registration in the summer. No fees will be collected until registration in the summer.
Kindergarten pre-registration allows the schools to have an idea of the number of kindergartners to expect next school year so that a sufficient amount of supplies and books can be ordered for our students. Parents who are unable to pre-register their child during the scheduled times are asked to call the office to inform the school of their intent to send a child to kindergarten. Parents will need to attend the K-12 registration in the summer.
School phone numbers are Walnut Elementary at 815-379-2900 and Wyanet Elementary 815-699-2251.