3 seed starting workshops set in the Illinois Valley

Sessions planned in Princeton, Henry and Spring Valley

The Bureau, La Salle, Marshall-Putnam Master Gardener Program will offer several seed starting workshops in February to answer many of the questions new and old gardeners alike have about the seed starting process.

Master Gardeners will provide information and demonstrations focusing on the soil type, containers, temperature, light and moisture requirements of various vegetables, herbs and flowers. Participants will practice starting their own seeds to bring home.

Master gardeners with various methods and a history of success in seed starting will be available for workshops throughout the service area. These workshops are free and open to the public.

The following dates and times will require registration to ensure materials and space. Seed starting workshops will be at the following locations: Bureau County Extension Office, 850 Thompson St., Becker Professional Suites, Princeton; Marshall Putnam County Extension office, 509 Front St., Suite 4, Henry; and Richard Mautino Memorial Library, 215 E. Cleveland St., Spring Valley.

The Bureau County Extension Office workshop is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 22. Visit https://go.illinois.edu/bureauseeds to register.

The Marshall Putnam County Extension Office workshop is at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 5. Visit https://go.illinois.edu/mpseeds to register.

The Richard Mautino Memorial Library workshop is at 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 6. Visit https://go.illinois.edu/springseeds to register.

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