The application period for the 2024 Veteran Banner recognition program in Ottawa now is open.
These banners will be displayed on downtown light poles along La Salle Main and Court streets for two weeks before and two after Memorial and Veterans days. Banners will be removed at the end of November and given to the applicant.
Ottawa City Council members are sponsoring this year’s banner program, namely Robert Hasty, Wayne Eichelkraut, Thomas Ganiere, Marla Pearson and Brent Barron.
Applicants must be an honorably discharged military veteran of the United States Armed Forces and a current, former or deceased resident within the 61350 ZIP code. Active service members are not eligible.
To apply, submit a completed application and a photograph of the veteran in military uniform. Digital formatted photo is preferred. Submit all information to Tami Koppen, City Hall, 301 W Madison St., Ottawa, IL or via email at Submittals are deemed complete after receiving the application and photograph.
The number of banners is limited, and applications will be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority may be given to veterans during the earliest wartime period.
Additional information and application can be found at
For any questions, contact Koppen via email or by phone at 815-433-0161, ext. 240.