Streator High School names February 2024 students of the month

10 students honored

Streator High School students of the month for February 2024 are pictured. They are (from left, front) Madison Bedeker, Josie Goerne and Bella Beardsley, (back) Sapphire Darby, Michael Smith and Klay Schaffner. Not pictured are Chase Lane, Anahi Serna, Destiny Gallup and Danielle Giacinto.

Streator High School honored its February 2024 students of the month at its regular board meeting Tuesday.

The students are:

Klay Schaffner for the Career and Technical Ed Department (Small/large animal science)

Chase Lane for the English/World Language Department (English II)

Anahi Serna for the English/World Language Department (Spanish III)

Madison Bedeker for the Fine Arts/ Social Studies Department (ceramics and sculpture )

Michael Smith for Fine Arts/Social Studies Department (world history)

Destiny Gallup for Guided Program for Success Department (GPS)

Josie Goerne for Health & Fitness/ P.E./Drivers Ed Department (health and fitness)

Danielle Giacinto for Math Department (IVCC dual credit calculus)

Sapphire Darby for Science Department (Earth science, chemistry and physics)

Bella Beardsley for the Student Services Department (foundation skills)

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