The ideal train station location in Ottawa for a stop along the proposed Peoria-to-Chicago line is within walking distance of the city’s downtown area.
That feature was noted by Ottawa Mayor Robb Hasty during Wednesday’s open house at Ottawa City Hall, where proposed train station locations for Morris, Ottawa, Utica and La Salle-Peru were put on display. Suggested spots in Ottawa are at the historic depot on Marquette Street or just north of that location along Joliet Street.
“The proposals are close enough to be within walking distance of downtown,” Hasty said. “That is in line with our economic development plans.”
Although the proposed rail line is a decade away from fruition, Hasty said, Ottawa is looking forward to the opportunity to be connected to Chicago and Peoria as it develops its riverfront and builds an amphitheater.
The rail line can bring visitors, he said.
Wednesday’s open house is one of four planned by the North Central Illinois Council of Governments in the communities with proposed stops. With exhibits on display and consultants in attendance to answer questions, the idea is to get feedback from the public and present residents with possibilities.
Comment forms are available for anyone wishing to give feedback.
Proposed train station locations were shared on Mill Street for Utica, on Canal Street in downtown La Salle, at the historic depot site in La Salle, near Westclox in Peru and either at or near the historic depot in Morris. There would be a single stop set in Morris, Ottawa, Utica and La Salle-Peru.
Key challenges for each of the proposals also were shared. For Ottawa, capacity was cited as a challenge at the historic depot suggestion, and the need to acquire private property was listed as a challenge for the Joliet Street proposal.
The proposed site in Utica would be on a floodplain, presenting a challenge at that site. The Canal Street proposal in La Salle would be a challenge to make compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Suggestions at the historic depot site in La Salle and at Westclox present challenges with the need for a multi-level station building to connect parking and drop-off at the platforms.
The ideas are fluid, and a timetable has not yet been set for when design will begin on proposed locations, Kevin Lindeman of the NCICG said.
Sharing what may be feasible is part of a study funded through a grant received by the Illinois Department of Transportation through the State Planning and Research program.
Open houses are planned from 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday, March 7, at Morris City Hall, 700 Division St.; from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 12, at North Utica Village Hall, 248 W. Canal St.; and from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 13, at Peru City Hall, 1901 Fourth St.
Residents and businesses can learn more about the project by visiting the NCICG website at or by following NCICG on Facebook or LinkedIn. Additional information regarding the overall Peoria-to-Chicago passenger rail initiative can be found on the city of Peoria’s website at
The city of Peoria recently was selected for the Federal Railroad Administration’s Corridor Identification and Development Program.