New trial set in Ottawa home invasion that involved gunfire

Ottawa man remains in contempt despite apology

Michael A. Boaz Jr.

One of the individuals charged in an Ottawa home invasion case, during which prosecutors said gun shots were exchanged, asked Friday for more time to prepare for trial and was given a new trial date.

Michael Boaz Jr., 20, of Ottawa, also apologized for an in-court profane tirade last week that led him to being held in contempt of court. He faces possible time for this charge even if he’s acquitted of his felony charges.

Boaz appeared in La Salle County Circuit Court for a final pre-trial conference. He was set for trial Monday on two felony charges led by home invasion, a Class X felony carrying up to 45 years because a firearm was used during the offense. (Boaz faces an additional charge of burglary for an Oct. 9 break-in at a Grand Ridge tavern.)

The trial, however, was postponed. Public Defender Ryan Hamer said Friday the evidence in the case is voluminous and he needs additional time to prepare. Chief Judge H. Chris Ryan Jr. agreed and reset the trial for May 20.

Boaz also used Friday’s hearing to express regret for a profane tirade he uttered March 1, when he appeared for a motions hearing. He apologized in a low voice to Ryan, who nodded in seeming acceptance but nonetheless told Boaz he is reserving sanctions, meaning a punishment still is possible.

Boaz was one of two people charged in a November home invasion in the 1100 block of Pine Street in Ottawa. There, a woman told police an intruder held a gun to her head and ordered her to divulge the combination to a locked safe.

The victim had enough time to send for her boyfriend, who arrived armed and confronted a second intruder, police said. Gunfire was exchanged and the intruders fled. Ottawa police said later they were alerted to a man being treated for a gunshot wound at Morris Hospital.

The patient, 20-year-old Fernando J. Martinez, of Ottawa, didn’t cooperate with investigators but was later charged with home invasion. He faces up to 50 years. He will next appear March 22 for a status hearing.

A third individual was charged, for the lesser offense of obstructing justice. Kaylee Neitzel, 20, of Ottawa, will appear April 11 for a motions hearing.

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