IVCC to use new system for registration, payment processes

WebAdvisor platform was discontinued

Students attend the first day of class at Illinois Valley Community College on Monday, Aug. 15, 2022 in Oglesby.

When class registration opens in a few weeks, Illinois Valley Community College students will be logging into a new registration and payment system.

On Monday, March 18, the WebAdvisor platform was discontinued and replaced with IVCC Self Service. Students will not yet be able to register, but many who want to explore course offerings and plan their summer and fall schedules now can manage those academic tasks through Self Service.

Registration dates are later than usual in anticipation of the transition, and students have been notified of the change and were reminded again this weekend. Old WebAdvisor links will redirect to Self Service.

Director of Admissions and Records Tom Quigley said Self Service is easy to use and comprehensive because its user-friendly interface is easy to navigate through registration and payment processes, viewing course offerings and managing academic profiles.

Self Service also will become the gateway to a wide range of features, including access to academic records, financial aid information, payment options and course planning tools, he said.

Students will use their existing WebAdvisor log-in credentials, but can reset forgotten passwords on the Self Service site if necessary. They should contact IVCC’s Student Help Desk if they hit any snags in migrating over to the new platform.

Priority registration opens March 26, summer registration on April 10 and fall registration on April 11.

Self Service can be accessed by either of these links: https://ssprod.ivcc.edu/Student/Courses and https://www.ivcc.edu/iamaan/ivccstudent.

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