Princeton Mayor Ray Mabry presented a challenge to citizens Monday just a week ahead of Earth Day – fill a bag of litter.
Calling it the Mayor’s One-Bag Challenge, Mabry said he would supply a bag, a pair of gloves and a sticker to seal the trash. Bags can be picked up at City Hall, 2 Main St. S.
“It’s the little things that make our town look good,” Mabry said, introducing the initiative as a pilot program.
Mabry said visitors get their first impression of Princeton off Interstate 80 where it’s important for the community to look desirable, but he also said it’s just as imperative to keep the area inside the city cleaned up.
He said he “stole” the one-bag challenge idea from a visit to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. There the city manager challenged residents to fill a bag of litter and they filled 30,000 bags.
“The public can help keep the community neat and tidy,” the mayor said.