Spring Valley man charged with attempted murder granted pretrial release

Conditions are to be confined to home with electronic monitoring

Donavan Cotton, 21

A Spring Valley man charged with attempted murder was granted pretrial release with conditions, including no contact with his alleged victim, according to court documents.

Donavan Cotton, 21, also was charged with aggravated battery with a firearm after he shot a man in his 20s in his arm and chest, police said.

Spring Valley Police Chief Adam Curran said at the time of the shooting the incident involved a dispute between the shooter and the victim over a woman.

Following a hearing June 11, Cotton was released with conditions including that he have no contact with his alleged victim, surrender any firearms and be confined to home with electronic monitoring. He also is required to appear in person to all court appearances and refrain from any illegal drugs and alcohol, according to court documents.

Cotton is scheduled to appear for a pretrial on July 19 at the Bureau County Courthouse.

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