The summer crop and rainfall report, which features crop condition and rainfall updates from La Salle County farmers, is published regularly during the growing season.
This is the second report of the summer.
The following report covers June 10 through June 16 and is provided with assistance from the La Salle County Farm Bureau.
David Hall, Serena: The reporting week sure brought us some hot and unstable weather, so summer appears to have arrived. Locally, we received zero rainfall after two fairly violent storms missed us by about 5 miles, although we did receive some 50 to 60 mph wind gusts for a brief time on Fathers Day. Crops are growing rapidly and look very healthy at this point, although the heat and wind is slowly decreasing available moisture. We are lucky to have started with a fairly full subsoil moisture profile. Most corn is about waist high (though I am not the tallest crop scouter). Markets are so far estimating a fairly large crop, as already mediocre commodity prices have dropped another 4 to 8% in the last month. June acreage report comes out on the 28th. Area activities included cutting and baling hay, as well as spraying herbicide on soybeans. Have a safe week and stay cool!
Ken Beck, Mendota: Well, it finally rained a little here in northwest La Salle County. We got anywhere from 0.2 to 0.3 inches. We could sure use more but we’re grateful to get it because with the heat coming on we need every drop we can get. A lot of hay has been baled; spraying is being done so we are going to wind this down pretty quickly what we can do to this crop.
David Myer, Marseilles: Summer is here in its full glory, thankfully crops planted and emerged and post spraying on most corn is finished. My pavement got damp two times, but the wind has been overwhelming similar to the last couple of years in June. The wheat is still a couple weeks from harvest. Grain prices are still floundering up and down.
Bill Gray, Tonica/Lostant: Last week I received 0.2 inches of rain and so far crops are looking pretty good with it being hot and dry. Most fields of corn are knee high to around waist high and we are now watching it for insect pests and any disease that we may have to deal with. Soybean fields vary in height from about 4 to 12 inches tall. As fields need it, they are being sprayed with herbicide to control the weeds. I have noticed a few Japanese beetles on some flowers and fruit tree leaves and may need to control them soon. We have been spraying weeds in soybean field fence lines and getting our spring equipment checked over and put away. We keep watering the garden to keep it going and know it will be worth it later on. Have a good week and be safe!
Ken Bernard, Grand Ridge: For the week we received 0.3 inches of rain. Early planted corn has started to grow pretty fast and has a good deep green color, later planted corn is not quite as good looking, color is a little bit yellower and is slow growing. Done putting on the side dress nitrogen so a nice shower of rain would be nice for that also. Weed pressure still is there, chemicals are having a hard time killing everything. Beans are also growing slowly, and the weed pressure is also higher than normal. Most of the earlier planted beans have closed the rows, on 15 inch rows. That will help conserve moisture and will be good for weed control. Wheat in our area is really turning fast, I would say it will be combined in the last week of June. This week with the hot, dry and windy weather will turn it faster than normal. That pretty well covers it for this week, have a great week and always be careful.
Geoffrey Janssen, Rutland: The heat has arrived, 90s most days. Crops are growing rapidly; I did receive right at 1.1 inches of rain for week. There has been a wide variety of field activities going on as you drive through the countryside. from spraying of corn, a few spraying soy beans, some planters still running, application of nitrogen going on for corn. A few are bailing hay and of course ditch mowing always goes on.
David Hall 0
Ken Beck 0.3
David Myer 0
Bill Gray 0.2
Ken Bernard 0.3
Geoffrey Janssen 1.1