IVCC coordinator takes part of cultural/professional exchange to the Netherlands

Coordinator treated Dutch guest last fall

Illinois Valley Community College's Director of Admissions, Tom Quigley, recently visited Holland (The Netherlands) as part of a professional exchange program. He reunited with teacher Ryan Smulders, who had been his guest last fall. and sampled Dutch life and work. Quigley (in the red shirt) is seated left with Smulders behind him as they dined with college faculty and administrators.

Illinois Valley Community College Director of Admissions Tom Quigley treated a Dutch guest last fall to American cuisine and Halloween displays. This spring, it was Quigley’s turn to sample Dutch culture.

Quigley rejoined Ryan Smulders in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, where Smulders teaches at Koning Willem I College. The pair are part of a professional study abroad program through the Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs.

Quigley gained insight into Dutch college life as well as the country’s lifestyle.

“One of the most striking aspects is the pervasive cycling culture. Bicycles are the primary mode of transport for many people, and the infrastructure is incredibly supportive of this. Bike lanes are everywhere, and it’s impressive to see how seamlessly integrated cycling is into daily life. We biked to work every day – even in the pouring rain! – which is very different than here.”

Though not fond of the rainy climate, Quigley enjoyed the food.

“I enjoyed trying traditional Dutch foods such as stroopwafels, kibbeling, cheese and bitterballen. The focus on fresh, local ingredients in many meals was also impressive.”

He also noted the college provided plenty of tea and coffee, preferred beverages in the country.

The Dutch place a strong emphasis on work-life balance, Quigley learned.

“Many people work reasonable hours and prioritize spending time with family and friends. This balance contributes to a high quality of life and a relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere. Everyone has a hybrid work schedule so they can work from home when they want to.”

Quigley met the college president, the international department, the marketing department, the public relations department, some project managers, students, and some teachers. A highlight was having dinner with the president and the international department.

He enjoyed reuniting with Smulders, who he’d hosted on a two-week visit to IVCC and the Illinois Valley.

“Ryan was incredibly welcoming and hospitable. He went out of his way to make me feel at home, which made the transition to a new environment very smooth,” Quigley said.

Quigley added he’d like to do another cultural exchange and would recommend the opportunity to his colleagues.

As this Dutch streetscape shows, bicycling is a favored method of transport in Holland. Tom Quigley and his host biked to and from work daily, even in the rain. And, he notes, it rained a lot! He was also able to compare Dutch life- and workstyles to those in his own country.
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