Update on Illinois Valley Food and Deli in La Salle: Store may open by end of July

Owner is working on roof improvements, purchasing of new refrigeration units

Illinois Valley Food and Deli in La Salle will be closed for the next two to three weeks until it reopens with new ownership.

The Illinois Valley Food and Deli in La Salle will make a few more improvements before owners hope to open at the end of this month, co-owner Nizar Tharani said.

The store closed Feb. 10 with an announcement that it would be under new ownership. Tharani owns the business with his partners Pankaj Chaudhari and Nilesh Chaudhari, each of the Naperville area, and they have experience running restaurants and convenience stores.

Tharani said they are working on repairing the roof and ordering new refrigeration units, which has extended the timeline of the project and their projected opening dates.

The owners previously told the NewsTribune that they hoped to open in May and, later, June.

Building inspector Andy Bacidore told the City Council in June that he received a building permit for a roof repair for a large amount of money.

Tharani said that in June, the business applied for an Illinois Grocery Initiative Grant to replace some of its refrigerator units, but it was not awarded.

La Salle Mayor Jeff Grove said he was excited about the store and had previously discussed with the owners the importance of taking their time to get the job done right.

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