Streator council talks about parking across from high school

No action was taken

Streator High School

Streator City Council members on Wednesday discussed an ongoing issue of street parking by nonresidents in the 100 to 200 block of Morrell Street, directly across from Streator High School.

Council member David Connor initiated the topic by having it placed on the agenda. The council expressed concerns regarding the inconvenience to residents across from the school and discussed potential enforcement measures aimed at exploring parking restrictions.

The city has not yet engaged in formal discussions with Streator High School regarding the issue, and the item only was slated for discussion Wednesday. No action was taken.

As for potential next steps, City Manager David Plyman said the council may draft an ordinance to impose time restrictions on parking in the area. Any proposed ordinance would require approval from the City Council after further discussion and public input.

In other items, the City Council:

  • approved an ordinance to install two stop signs at the intersection of Joyce and Bilger streets, on the east and west sides.
  • approved an Illinois Department of Transportation highway permit for temporary closure Aug. 31 of a portion of westbound Route 18 (Main Street) and the north lane of Bridge Street, along with a reduction of two lanes of northbound Route 23 (Park Street) to one lane for thru-traffic, in connection with Cruise Night.
  • approved a resolution to enter into an agreement for administration and coordination services for a Community Development Block Grant Program focused on housing rehabilitation.
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