La Salle County GOP to host former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at annual dinner

Tickets must be purchased by July 29

Governor Scott Walker, president of the Young America's Foundation, speaks to a group Saturday, May 7, 2022 at the Loveland House in Dixon. The YAF, owners of the Reagan boyhood home,  held a conference over the weekend for high school students interested in conservative values. The group listened to several speakers and networked with other like minded individuals.

The La Salle County Republican Central Committee announced it will host its annual Reagan Day Dinner, featuring the former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

The event will take place on Friday, Aug. 2, at the Pitstick Pavilion, on Route 23, north of Ottawa.

Walker is celebrated for his transformative conservative leadership and impactful policies during his tenure, the La Salle County Republicans said in a news release. Some of his notable achievements include:

Economic Reforms: Implementing a $13.5 billion tax cut in Wisconsin.
Job Creation: Leading Wisconsin to its lowest unemployment rate since 2000 and creating more than 250,000 new jobs.
Act 10: Enacting legislation that reformed collective bargaining, saving taxpayers more than $5 billion.

“We are honored to host Gov. Scott Walker at this year’s Reagan Day Dinner,” said Larry Smith, chairman of the La Salle County Republican Central Committee, in a news release. “His commitment to conservative principles and his remarkable track record make him an inspiring figure for Republicans in La Salle County and beyond.”

The evening also will include raffle prizes, a 50/50 raffle and an opportunity for attendees to connect and celebrate their shared values. Tickets are $75 and available at

Tickets must be purchased by July 29. Sponsorships are also are available for tables of eight, offering special recognition to sponsors.

“We encourage all candidates and community members to join us for this exciting event,” Smith said. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to come together and support the Republican cause.”

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