Guest column: I’ve been thinking ... about thinking

Carole Ledbetter

The mind is a great gift!

It stores our ideas, memories, plans, secrets, hopes, dreams etc.

”As a man (or woman) thinks in his heart, so is he!” says the Bible.

Perhaps in our day “texting” is an adventure of our minds. I often find today’s technology a challenge.

Terms like “going online” still remind me of hanging out sheets. I like to hear what people think. I enjoy meetings where people share what they think. For that reason, I enjoy politics – listening to both sides of an issue and thinking about it. Making up my own mind. Just think about all the terms we use to describe thinking: meditation, dreaming, remembering, imagining, contemplating, questioning, pondering, recalling, phrases such as “I lost my train of thought” or “my mind wanders.” I wonder as I wander” is a song I remember.

I consider myself a “word” person. I enjoy reading and writing and listening to other people’s opinions.

Sometimes I have said, “I don’t sew or grow – I read and write.” It is good that God has made us all different and we can enjoy the differences. Scripture memorization is a help and blessing to many people.

My friend and former pastor, Tim Underwood, has memorized large portions of the Bible by setting them to music. When I attend my church, River Valley Evangelical Free Church on Adams Street in Ottawa, and we sing the old hymns, the words come flooding back to me.

A gift to my mind!”

Finally, brothers, “whatever is true whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things!” Philippians 4:8-10. Think about it!

Carole Ledbetter is a former, long-time Write Team member who resides in Ottawa.

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