Edward Jones offices of Princeton donate $20,115 to Second Story Teen Center

Teen center constructing new facility

Edward Jones of Princeton made a $20,115 donation to the Second Story Teen Center on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at the new building in Princeton. Gathered at the check presentation were (from left) Tracy Robbins-EJ-FA; Asriella Jameson-volunteer; Jeff Vanautreve,-co-owner; Paul Brandenburg, -EJ-FA; Chris Kieffer, EJ-FA;. Back row: Tucker Nichols, EJ-FA;, Ryan Blume, .EJ-FA and Dominic Schillaci volunteer. Second Story Teen Center is a nonprofit 501(c)3 free organization servicing Bureau County as a teen drop in center for two nights per week for youngsters grades 6-12. The center is open Tuesday's from 4p.m.-8p.m. and Friday's  6:30p.m.-11:00 p.m. On average 170 youths per week or just over 8000 youths were served in 2023. Each youth is served free meals and have the opportunity to visit with their friends and enjoy many various games. Through out the year motivational speakers will visit that helps students learn. A food and clothing pantry are  available to all youths. Two post secondary scholarship funds are available to teens seeking post-secondary education at colleges or trade schooling. Construction has begun on a new  6,000 square foot building, located at 125 N. Main St. will increase the capacity for providing numerous educational, mentorship, health, nutritional and social programs for Bureau County youth in sixth through 12th grades. Second Story is funded solely on private donations and the building committee is seeking financial and in-kind donations to invest in the future of the youth of Bureau County and their communities.

Edward Jones offices of Princeton donated $20,115 for Second Story Teen Center’s new building project.

The new 6,000 square foot building is being constructed at 125 S. Main St.

Second Story Teen a nonprofit organization servicing Bureau County as a teen drop-in center for youth sixth through 12th grades from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday and 6:30 to 11 p.m. Friday.

On average 170 youths per week or just more than 8,000 youths were served in 2023. Each youth is served free meals and have the opportunity to visit with their friends and enjoy many various games. Throughout the year motivational speakers will visit. A food and clothing pantry is available to all youths. Two post secondary scholarship funds are available to teens seeking post-secondary education at colleges or trade schooling. For more information call 815-303-4111.

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