Ottawa church to host ‘King’s Kids’ event Sept. 4

Children to sing songs, play games, learn the Bible

Micah Fagerstrom, 11, and Derek Neff, 13, listen to a Bible passage Friday at the First Baptist Church Day Camp. About 75 children ranging in ages from 6 to 13 participated each day in various activities during the weeklong camp.

Harvest Baptist Church, 420 E. Stevenson Road, Ottawa will be starting its King’s Kids Program on Wednesday, Sept. 4. The program will run 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays through May 21, except the last Wednesday of the month, in the church fellowship hall.

Participants will sing songs, play games, learn Bible verses and hear a Bible lesson. Flyers Club is for children ages 4 to 5 and King’s Kids is for first grade through sixth grade. Bible memory is dependent on age and reading level.

Each child will have a banner with pin-on buttons that will mark their progress throughout the years. Ribbons and trophies will be awarded at a year-end awards ceremony. Parents are invited to participate.

Parents are asked to bring children to the church by 7 p.m. and pick them up at 8 p.m.

For more information call Pastor Paul Robinson at 815-579-9510.

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