A rainy forecast prompted the La Salle/Putnam Educational Alliance for Special Education to relocate this year’s Back to School Bash to the Streator Incubator at 401 W. Bridge St., Streator. The time and date remain the same, with the event scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15.
The LEASE office’s Back to School Bash is for students with disabilities and their families. The celebration includes free food, games, activities and resources for families. Multiple businesses and agencies will have informational tables at the event. Parents and guardians can learn about opportunities and programs available for children with special needs.
Some of the organizations in attendance will include the Streator Public Library, the Youth Service Bureau of Illinois Valley, the Arukah Institute of Healing, the YMCA, the Illinois Department of Human Services, the University of Illinois Extension, the Tri-County Opportunities Council, North Central Behavioral Health Systems, Streator Unlimited and Birth to Five Illinois, among others.