OSF St. Elizabeth offers technology for enhanced breast cancer screening

Automated breast ultrasound system comes to Peru

OSF HealthCare announced the availability of the Invenia ABUS 2.0 (automated breast ultrasound system) at OSF HealthCare Saint Elizabeth Medical Center in Peru.

This FDA-approved technology offers enhanced breast cancer screening, particularly for women with dense breast tissue, by complementing traditional mammography.

“We are thrilled to add the ABUS screening tool to our comprehensive breast cancer screening program,” said Tiffany Magallanes, OSF HealthCare director of radiology. “By incorporating ABUS alongside mammography for women with dense breast tissue, we expect to improve detection rates for small cancers that might not be visible on a mammogram alone. We believe ABUS will become a key component of our practice in the fight against breast cancer.”

Studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association highlight that dense breast tissue is a common risk factor for breast cancer and makes detection more challenging with mammography alone. Since both dense tissue and cancer appear white on a mammogram, distinguishing between them can be difficult. ABUS helps by making suspicious masses appear black against the white dense tissue.

In early 2019, a national density inform law was enacted, requiring the FDA to update mammography reports to inform women if they have dense breast tissue. Providers may offer supplemental imaging to help detect cancers hidden in dense tissue.

“Mammography remains the gold standard for breast cancer detection,” Magallanes said. “However, it is not as effective for all women, especially those with dense breast tissue. Research shows that ABUS technology, used in conjunction with mammography, can identify nearly 40% more cancers that mammography alone might miss.”

Women are encouraged to begin regular mammograms at age 40 or earlier if they have a family history of breast cancer. If informed of dense breast tissue, they should consult their provider about their specific risk and possible additional screening options.

For more information or to schedule a mammogram, visit www.osfhealthcare.org/breast-health.

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