Ottawa American Legion cancels DeVore event, says political talks violate its bylaws

DeVore instead speaks in front of group at Washington Square

Teresa Schmidt (with microphone) and Crystal Loughran speak Thursday, Aug. 29, 2024, at an event at Washington Square in Ottawa.

A gathering featuring southern Illinois attorney Thomas DeVore as the guest speaker was relocated to Washington Square in Ottawa after the Ottawa American Legion canceled the Thursday evening event less than 48 hours before it was set to occur because it would have violated the Legion’s bylaws to host the event.

The Ottawa American Legion said its bylaws do not allow political events, and it determined Thursday’s gathering was political in nature.

The event was organized by the La Salle County and Grundy County Moms for America. The flyer advertised: “Don’t miss this opportunity to meet Tom DeVore, 2022 candidate for attorney general, grassroots advocate for parental rights and the Second Amendment.”

“Hear him analyze the current state of Illinois politics,” the flyer added.

The flyer also said a free Donald Trump yard sign would be available with each $10 donation. The flyer said the event was sponsored by Mid-America Grassroots Action (spelling out “MAGA” in the background). The group said it serves to “promote, educate and financially support mid-America grassroots organizations who are vested in returning our country to the people,” noting it is a “political organization” on Facebook.

Ottawa American Legion Cmdr. Tom Shea said he believes the Legion was misled to believe the event wasn’t political when it initially was scheduled. However, after receiving a phone call Wednesday morning from a concerned legionnaire, and then reviewing the flyer, Shea said the organization’s leadership determined the event would be canceled to follow its bylaws.

“It’s been in our bylaws since 1919,” John Duback of the Ottawa American Legion said. “We are a nonpolitical group.”

Duback said American Legion members can share their beliefs, but the Legion itself can’t host political events, according to the bylaws.

Organizers of Thursday’s event pushed back against the assertion that their gathering was political. The group pivoted after the cancellation, hosting its meeting across the street at Washington Square. It attracted about 40 attendees, including Shane Bouvet, an Illinois man who said he received a $10,000 check from Trump for his father’s cancer treatment.

Crystal Loughran, who organized the event, said the Trump signs mentioned on the flyer are being distributed for a donation and that they wouldn’t be sold.

“This isn’t a political fundraiser,” said Val Ojeda of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mexican Americans and Trump’s Hispanic coalition leader.

Before speaking Thursday, DeVore said his speech was more civics than politics. He said he didn’t intend to name any candidates, Democrat nor Republican, and said he is not running for office himself. However, he did put emphasis on the Republican Party in his Facebook post about nine hours before his speech.

“It seems the RINO Republicans in La Salle County are complaining to the American Legion that a political fundraiser is being allowed,” DeVore said. “I hate that expression, but sometimes it just fits! They want to cancel our event where I am actually trying to help educate Republicans. These RINO turds know that I am not a politician. I am not running for office. I am not seeking political contributions for anything from anyone! This is not a fundraiser, as I do all of this for free!! I am trying to educate the grassroots, and the RINOS don’t like it!! You will begin to understand how inept these establishment creatures are after listening to my explanation.

“Please come out [Thursday] and listen about how Republicans can win elections in Illinois. This conversation is not one you will hear from the RINOs, as winning elections is not on their agenda. I hear from Republicans across the state about how helpless they feel. You don’t have to feel helpless, and I can explain why.”

Another Facebook post DeVore made five hours after that initial post said his speech was “talking about the importance of voting and participating in governance” and that he doesn’t “talk about the Democrats in a bad light, as I hardly bring them up, if at all. I focus on civic responsibility and voter apathy. Political discourse doesn’t even come up!”

“My speech was about participation in government,” DeVore told Shaw Local News Network on Thursday at Washington Square. “I intended on speaking about our freedoms – the same freedoms our veterans fought for.”

The Ottawa American Legion said it intends to follow its bylaws and will be more diligent in the future when scheduling events to ensure they are not political in nature.

“We dropped the ball,” Duback said.

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