Spring Valley council tables decision on electricity provider

Seeking more information from neighboring communities

Spring Valley City Hall

Spring Valley residents don’t yet know what company will provide their electricity after this month.

The Spring Valley City Council had on Tuesday evening’s agenda a resolution to choose Geneseo Communications as the city’s new electricity provider but decided to table the matter, citing the need for more information before making any commitment.

The city had contracted with Homefield Energy to provide the service to all homes in city limits, but that contract will run out in October. The city has been researching and hearing from providers for several months, seeking the best rate possible for its residents after that deadline.

Officials heard a presentation from Geneseo on June 17 and also heard one from Ameren Illinois.

“It was tabled because the council wanted to get a little more information from the surrounding towns,” Mayor Melanie Thompson said. “We should be making a decision on that soon.”

It also is considering a citywide internet provider and is weighing proposals from its current provider, Comcast, as well as Geneseo and Surf Internet.

The city could make a decision as soon as the next council meeting Sept. 17.

In other action, Thompson commended the streets department for its work during the recent storm, in which several tree branches were downed and wind damage was sustained.

The council also approved the disposal of two vehicles – a pickup truck and dump truck – that had been used by the streets department.

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