Peru remembers Sept. 11: ‘Never forget our brothers’ and sisters’ sacrifice’

Ceremony conducted at roundabout

(From left) Peru paramedic John Klag, Peru Fire Chief Jeff King, Peru Community Service officer Blake Frund and Peru EMS coordinator Brent Hanson pose next to a 9/11 anniversary memorial sign at the Roundabout on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024 at the roundabout in Peru.

Sept. 11, 2001, is a day that no one should ever forget, Peru Fire Chief Jeff King said.

King honored the lives lost in the Sept. 11 attacks during a memorial at the roundabout located at Plank and Shooting Park roads in Peru.

“The impact this had on emergency services has molded our legacy in emergency response,” he said. “I believe everyone should act and feel like they did Sept. 12, 2011.”

Chief Sarah Raymond said King asked if she would be willing to post a squad car in the memorial to Sept. 11, and she was on board.

“His representation of the lives lost and signage showing tribute to that horrific day in our American history is top notch,” she said. “It is a day I will never forget, and to memorialize those lost in this way is only a small part of what we can do as a society to remember.”

King said the countless lives lost at the hands of terrorists will never be forgotten.

“Never forget our brothers’ and sisters’ sacrifice,” he said. “They went in when everyone was coming out. That’s what emergency responders do.”

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