2024 Princeton Junior Women’s Club Baby Contest winners announced

Top 4 names of 23 contestants

The 2024 Princeton Junior Women's Club Homestead Baby Contest winners posed for a photo. They are (from left) Baby Girl Winner Hadley Mecum, daughter of Shane Mecum and Chelsea Mecum of Princeton; Baby Boy Runner Up Austin McComber, son of Joel and Holli McComber of TIskilwa; Baby Boy Winner Everett Eckberg, son of Derrick and Kaelynn Eckberg of Princeton; and Baby Girl Runner Up Everly Hassler, daughter of Cody Hassler and Tara Favia of Princeton.

Winners for the 2024 Princeton Junior Women’s Club Baby Contest were announced.

Hadley Mecum, daughter of Shane Mecum and Chelsea Mecum of Princeton, was the baby girl winner and Everett Eckberg, son of Derrick and Kaelynn Eckberg of Princeton, was the baby boy winner. Runner-ups are Everly Hassler, daughter of Cody Hassler and Tara Favia of Princeton, and Austin McComber, son of Joel and Holli McComber of TIskilwa.

There were 23 contestants. The winners were given a spot in the Homestead Festival parade.

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