Spring Valley native named to lead IVCC’s Marketing and Communication Department

Department rebranded

A Spring Valley native and Chicago-area public relations veteran, Madonna Duncan, will direct Illinois Valley Community College’s rebranded Marketing and Communications Department.

A Spring Valley native and Chicago-area public relations veteran will direct Illinois Valley Community College’s rebranded Marketing and Communications Department.

The new post is Madonna Duncan’s second homecoming to the Illinois Valley. She returned to La Salle 14 years ago but continued working remotely until this summer for global public relations firm Hill & Knowlton, where she was a vice president.

Duncan is excited to take on the role of IVCC’s director of marketing and communications and welcomes the opportunity to contribute to her home community.

“Working in Chicago for more than 25 years was fun and professionally rewarding, but I’m looking forward to working for a local higher-education institution that is a vital part of the community and a significant contributor to the growth and success of the Illinois Valley.”

As director, Duncan has been tasked with transforming what was the Community Relations Department to a broader role and “working to expand the reach of the college and spreading the message of all IVCC has to offer. I’m going to focus on making sure we position IVCC in the best light possible so that all the great things that are happening here are promoted and very visible within our community and beyond.”

Vice President for Student Services Mark Grzybowski oversees the Marketing and Communications Department.

“Madonna has a proven track record of more than 20 years of experience in the marketing and public relations industry,” Duncan said. “I am extremely excited to work with her in elevating the college’s profile in the communities that it serves.”

Telecommuting left Duncan feeling disconnected to her immediate surroundings where her husband, Chris Duncan, a local banker and Illinois Valley native, was finding ways to contribute.

“I wondered how I could also make an impact on where we live and for the future of my kids,” Duncan said. “I saw him making connections and getting involved in the community, and I felt I’d be more fulfilled doing something similar.”

By reconnecting to education through the classroom and the boardroom, she reconnected to her hometown. Duncan, the daughter of an educator, once dreamed of being a teacher before choosing a career in communications. Representing a California university client at her firm ignited an interest in higher education, and here at home, she became a substitute teacher and holds a seat on a local school board.

She said she enjoys marketing’s creative aspect and the opportunity to learn new things. She saw her public relations efforts rewarded in her client’s expanded visibility in local and national audiences, and gained experience managing budgets, strategizing and organizing events while building leadership and team-building skills.

Duncan studied broadcast journalism at Columbia College in Chicago before graduating from the University of Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in communications studies. During summers at home, she earned credits at IVCC, where she felt comfortable with smaller classes.

Being back on the IVCC campus “is like a mini reunion. I’ve renewed all these little connections in the past few weeks” with former classmates and neighbors, she said.

“IVCC feels like home,” Duncan said.

For any media-related inquiries, contact Peggy Schneider, communications coordinator, at 815-224-0465 or peggy_schneider@ivcc.edu. The department can connect you with faculty experts, provide campus information or schedule interviews.

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