DAR chapter presents Lacon woman with Historic Preservation Recognition Award

Award given to Florence Finfgeld for her 40 years of historic preservation service

Florence Finfgeld, member of the Chief Senachwine Chapter National Society of Daughters of Revolution receives the Historic Preservation Certificate and Medal from Chapter Regent Nancy Gillfillan for her 40 years of volunteerism at the Marshall County Historical Society and Museum.

Florence Finfgeld, a Lacon resident, was honored Sept. 7 with a medal and certificate awarded by the Chief Senachwine Chapter National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution for her 40 years of historic preservation service.

Finfgeld began her volunteering at the Marshall County Historical Society and Museum in 1984.

Her earliest contribution was to help develop the first architectural walk in Lacon and create the “You Drive Map” for the Marshall County Sesquicentennial. She organized the Lacon Cemetery walk where she also appeared as Rachel Bane.

The honoree was elected president of the Board in 1996 and over the years held the positions of vice president, secretary and the curator’s private secretary. She worked with committees, special dinners and annual meetings and oversaw the appearance of the Smithsonian traveling exhibit, “Barn Again.”

As display chairwoman for many years, she managed the in-building displays as well as the window displays. Early in her volunteerism at the society, she became textile chair and held that position until she retired from regular volunteering in 2014. Finfgeld also wrote the guidelines for the accession and de-accession of gifts for the museum. Under her guidance, the museum received an award based on the variety of quilts it owned and its method of preservation and storage. She has also presented a number of programs on quilts and their proper care.

Finfgeld especially liked to work with children during the summer art program as she taught them to find a favorite object, learn its history and then paint it on a small canvas. They created a show for friends and family.

The Historic Preservation Recognition Award is designed to recognize worthy local individuals and groups for outstanding achievements in all areas of historical preservation. The recipient/recipients are expected to have contributed to the community in an outstanding volunteer manner.

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