Revolutionary War reenactor visits Chief Senachwine DAR chapter

Peterson displays clothing worn by reenactors, as well as items used

Barbara Peterson, program presenter at the September Chief Senachwine DAR Chapter meeting, displays clothes and period items from reenacting Revolutionary War battles. She holds a "Brown Bess" musket and displays a British uniform since reenactors portray both sides of battles.

Barbara Peterson of Wyanet explained Sept. 7 her participation in reenacting Revolutionary War battles in her program, “Revolutionary War Reenacting: a Living History,” for members of the Chief Senachwine Chapter NSDAR, the chapter’s opening meeting of the year.

Peterson is a long-time member of the Northwest Territory Alliance responsible for the reenactments as well as a member of the Chief Senachwine Chapter.

Peterson displayed clothing worn by reenactors, such as ordinary militia attire and army uniforms, a musket, tools, utensils, books and games. All of her equipment must pass inspection for authenticity every five years. She described battles and events. She also explained how French volunteer, Gen. Lafayette, would have served in camps with the same equipment.

The Historic Preservation Award was presented to member, Florence Finfgeld, recognizing her more than 40 years of volunteerism at the Marshall County Historic Society and Museum.

New chairmen were appointed by Chapter Regent Nancy Gillfillan, as follows: Community Classroom, Annette Lionberger; Franco-American Memorial, Jean Galetti and Kathy Dewitt; Historic Preservation, Sandy Miller; and Women’s Issues, Carol Byrd.

Other chapter chairmen shared chapter minutes. Reporting were chairs for American History; American Indians; Conservation; Flag of the U.S.A.; Franco-American Memorial featuring Marquis de Lafayette; and Women’s Issues.

Reports were shared by the chairs of American Heritage, Commemorative Events, Community Classroom and Constitution Week.

Members attending the chapter Memorial Day ceremony on May 27 were thanked as were those attending the June District II Mini-Tour. Four members attended the September DAR Days in Springfield. Information gleaned from DAR Days will be shared with chapter chairmen.

For Oct. 11, the National Day of Service by the Daughters of the American Revolution, remembering the founding of the National Society of the American Revolution on Oct. 11, 1890, members voted to donate items to the Henry Food Pantry. Members are to bring donations to the DAR meeting on Oct. 4.

Chapter members also voted to adopt the American History and Government class at Henry-Senachwine High School as the chapter’s Community Classroom project for 2024-2025.

The next meeting will be Oct. 4 at the Pulsifer House in Hennepin. Members are asked to arrive at 1 p.m. for a tour of the 1844 Greek Revival home, followed by the chapter meeting and refreshments.

Any woman 18 years or older who can prove lineage to a Revolutionary War Patriot is eligible to join the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Interested prospective members can be assisted in finding a patriot of their own. If curious about joining the DAR, call 815-303-1034.

Henry-Senachwine High School History/Government teacher, Alexa Damerell, and Chief Senachwine DAR Chapter Community Classroom chair Annette Lionberger present Constitution Week materials that will be used to educate students about the U.S. government. Constitution Week begins Sept. 17, the date of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution.
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