Princeton High School names September 2024 students of the month

7 students recognized

Princeton High School

Princeton High School named its students of the month for September 2024.

Lydia Johnson, junior: According to Mr. Olson, who nominated her, she is a consistently positive presence in his class and in extracurriculars. She inspires the people around her with her patience, friendliness and dedication, Olson said. She goes above and beyond to help others and to help, and in addition, she executes her own work at a very high level.

Zoie Eubanks-Spoonmore, junior: According to Mrs. Smith, Eubanks-Spoonmore has made tremendous gains over the last year and this year. She has drastically improved her attendance. She wants to improve her GPA and has been working hard to get her work turned in and make test corrections when needed. She has taken the initiative to communicate with teachers about missing work and/or test corrections.

Kaylee Pease, senior: According to Ms. Gonigam, who has Pease in psychology, sociology and world geography, Pease is consistently striving to achieve in each of these classes. She arrives to class early and is always prepared. Her positive attitude toward learning is contagious to others in the class. Pease has been looking for extra opportunities to practice the skills learned about in class. Gonigam said she is proud of Pease’s efforts so far this year.

Daphnie Grant, freshman: According to Mrs. Kuhne, Grant has committed to making high school a fresh start and that shows through her words and actions. She is a natural leader and can do anything that she puts her heart and soul into.

Meagan Du Preez, sophomore: According to Ms. Saylor, Du Preez has been a huge help to another student in health class this semester. The student that she helps speaks English as a second language. Du Preez is more than willing to partner with this student and is patient and willing to assist in any way to make sure the other student understands. She has shown great leadership skills by helping this student and has been a positive example to her peers in class.

Hanna Claiborne, sophomore: According to Mr. Anderson, Claiborne is an extremely driven and hard working individual. She is always striving to improve herself inside and outside the classroom. Her natural leadership abilities, communication skills and drive makes her a strong student. Her leadership abilities not only translate well inside the classroom, but also outside the classroom as she is involved in many different programs at PHS making her a well rounded student.

Owen Schultz, sophomore: According to Mrs. Nichols, Schultz has started the year off very strong. He is working very hard in biology. He participates in class, asks good questions and is always willing to help a classmate.

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