Marseilles murder case looking more like it will be tried in 2025

Petre appeared at an unscheduled hearing, mental health evaluation remains pending


A Marseilles man could stand trial later this year for allegedly killing his father, but already the window is closing on a jury trial in 2024.

Logan Petre, 21, appeared Tuesday at an unscheduled hearing in La Salle County Circuit Court on multiple felony charges led by first-degree murder. He left with an Oct. 31 status hearing – a mental health evaluation remains pending – and with a diminishing chance of standing trial before New Year’s.

Murder carries a mandatory prison sentence of 20 to 60 years but Petre could face an extended sentence if convicted of other felonies filed before and after Leo’s death.

While the pending exam does not affect Petre’s right to a speedy trial – by law, the clock is stopped when mental health issues are raised – it could push the jury trial into 2025, as lining up witnesses becomes complicated as the holidays approach.

Leo Petre died of asphyxia following a beating in his Marseilles home on Father’s Day weekend. Logan Petre was then out on bond – released on traditional cash bond before the SAFE-T Act took effect – and has since been charged with aggravated battery for beating a fellow inmate in La Salle County Jail.

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