Can Bureau County students read and do math at grade level?

Scroll down to see math scores.

A chart that show what share of Bureau County students are proficient in reading.

Students across Bureau County and Illinois who were in third through eighth grade last year were tested last year in English language arts and math using the Illinois Assessment of Readiness, the test rolled out in 2019.

This year marked the highest proficiency rate for Illinois students in English language arts so far with this new test ā€“ at 40.9%, according to the Illinois State Board of Education. The state also saw slight growth in math as schools continue to try to recover from the pandemic.

Recovery has also been lagging at the high school level, the state Board of Education said in a news release Wednesday. Proficiency rates in high school have trended down since 2019, with slightly smaller percentages of high school students meeting or exceeding grade-level standards last year.

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