Peru Police Chief Sarah Raymond was surrounded by the police department, friends, council members and community members as she was presented a surprise award from the U.S. Department of Defense during Monday’s Peru City Council meeting.
Michael Holub, vice chair of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, said the ESGR is a Department of the Defense office that’s been around since 1972, and its job is to make sure civilian employers and military members of the reserve components work together.
“When I brief military units, I always tell them, ‘If something goes wrong, I’m sure you’re going to call me. … But when things are going well, don’t take your boss for granted,’” he said.
Holub said he reminds military units about the history lessons in grade school – specifically Napoleon Bonaparte and his quote about how he was always impressed at how much a soldier would strive for a little piece of colored paper.
“Well, the soldiers get their colored ribbons, but sometimes the civilian employers don’t get them, so we encourage [soldiers] to nominate them, and that’s called the Patriotic Employer Award,” he said.
Holub said he liked the Patriotic Employer Award best because not only does it include the city’s name, but it also includes the individuals.
Holub then read the letter that patrol officer Damien Presthus sent to nominate Raymond. Presthus is an active specialist in the Army Reserves.
“The police department takes great care of me as a soldier,” Presthus said in his letter. “They not only care for me and my family while I’m gone, but they continue my pay. If I’m gone for less than 30 days, it’s full pay, and if it’s over the pay difference of what I would be making, they take care of that too.”
Presthus said Raymond recognizes his training and skills as a soldier and uses it in his career. He said she also recognizes him at events and assisted in creating a 5K benefit run with him in mind. The objective of the run was to assist police officers still serving in the military on deployment.
“I believe Chief Raymond and the department should be recognized for this, and I am truly thankful and grateful to work for such a great department and city,” Presthus said.
Mayor Ken Kolowski said the award was well deserved, and he was excited for Raymond.
“It’s amazing what she does not just for the safety of the community, but what she does for veterans,” Kolowski said.
Raymond said she was surprised to have received the award and was grateful that Presthus took the time to complete the nomination.
“I always try to look out for people and do the best I can,” she said. “To be recognized for that, it’s a pretty great feeling. … I never would have thought or expected anything like that. … It was the most shocked I’ve ever been in my life.”