Ottawa Elementary to host Truth in Taxation hearing in December

Hearing set for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 17 at Central Intermediate School in Ottawa

Ottawa Elementary School District will host a Truth in Taxation hearing during its next school board meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 17, to discuss a proposed increase in the district’s levy.

A truth in taxation hearing is required when a district proposes a tax levy increase of more than 5%. The tentative tax levy increase is proposed at 14% more than last year’s amount, which is necessary to ensure the district receives the full benefit from growing property values, Superintendent Michelle Lee said.

During the monthly school board meeting Nov. 19, Lee said the district’s equalized assessed value – or property tax pool – is expected to increase by about 10% this year, and the tax levy will reflect this change. Lee said the district is looking to collect the revenue allowed by the increased EAV, without raising the rate for taxpayers.

“The levy is set to ensure we capture all of the EAV, but we’re not asking to increase the tax rate,” she said. “Actually, it may even go down a little bit but not enough to really matter.”

The hearing will be during the district’s next board meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 17, and gives the public an opportunity to comment before the levy is finalized.

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