Ottawa Odd Fellow elected New Grand Master of Illinois

Odd Fellows is charitable organization

Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Illinois Grand Lodge elected Ray Jackson of Ottawa Lodge 41 as its grand master of the Illinois Odd Fellows.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Illinois Grand Lodge elected Ray Jackson of Ottawa Lodge 41 as its grand master of the Illinois Odd Fellows.

Jackson, a local philanthropist, said he is proud of his organization.

“We have 49 lodges located all over the state,” Jackson said. “We have been in Illinois helping the sick and suffering, since 1836. The Lodge in Ottawa was chartered in 1848 and is still today a major contributor to the areas children, families and individuals that are struggling.”

Ottawa Lodge 41 is a nonprofit, nonsectarian, charitable organization that is open to members of all genders and race. The Lodge meets at 1660 N. 2501st Road, Ottawa (across from Pine Hils Golf Course) at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays. The public is welcome.

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