Spring Valley church to host presentations on Christianity in England, Ireland

Presentations available in person, on Zoom

St. George Eastern Orthodox Church Spring Valley

“Christ Comes to England and Ireland” will be presented on four successive Wednesdays beginning Jan. 8 at St. George Orthodox Christian Church, 211 E. Minnesota St., Spring Valley.

The slideshow presentations will be based on recent trips to the British Isles, showing the history of the Christian church in England and Ireland with stories of saints, pictures of churches and historic places, and some music and videos.

The presentations will be from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Jan. 8, 15, 22 and 29. Refreshments will be served. The presentations can be viewed on Zoom at us04web.zoom.us/j/78423685479?pwd=nBd0ca1TQnaZbC35clx9rkj8jgyVpe.1

Scheduled topics include Ancient Britain on Jan. 8; Flowering of Ireland on Jan. 15; Britons, Angles and Saxons on Jan. 22; and 1066: British Christianity from the Normans to Today on Jan. 29.

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