The Gateway Services Inc. Scholarship application now is open to students who plan to study in a field related to intellectual/developmental disabilities, including but not limited to human services, psychology, sociology, social work or special education.
Students currently enrolled in a college or university are eligible to apply. Applicants attending a two-year college may apply with the understanding that they are to continue their education toward a bachelor’s degree in one of these fields of study.
Applicants must reside in Bureau, Marshall or Putnam counties. A one-time scholarship of $2,500 will be awarded annually as funds permit. Applications must be received by March 1 and can be found at A link is pinned on Gateway’s Facebook page and also can be found on its website at under the “resources” tab.
Selection of the scholarship recipient will be made on or before April 30. The decision will be based on a combination of community involvement and the future goals of the applicant.
“We are excited to announce the development of our scholarship fund,” Gateway Services CEO Tracy Wright said in a news release. “We have been so fortunate to benefit from kind and generous acts from all over our communities, and this is our opportunity to give back. This is also a great way to help a deserving student who will make a future impact in the world of intellectual/developmental disabilities.”
Nearing its 55th year in existence, Gateway Services provides a variety of services and supports for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in Bureau, Marshall and Putnam counties.