Write Team: In the presence of angels

Lee Ann Raikes

Psalm 91:11: “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”

I don’t know when my love of angels began. It may have been many years ago when I was a little girl. I had the most beautiful picture of an angel with her arms around two little children hanging on my bedroom wall. I still have that same childhood picture hanging in my home today.

The vibrancy of the colors and the beauty of the angel always gave me a sense of peace and calm. My entire life, I have been a believer in signs. Those signs could take shape in many forms, through a song, thoughts, words spoken, a gut instinct, or a cardinal appearing at the right moment. These signs always seem to occur when I am looking for guidance. Some signs are subtle, while others are shouting from the rooftops. In any instance, I strongly feel my angel is near.

Scripture states that we all have a guardian angel looking out for us. I often wonder how that selection goes down. Do the angels like the person they are chosen to protect? Can they tap out or make a trade? Or do they abide by the selected plan and see it through? I also wonder if they need to be successful in their mission to earn their wings, just like Clarence in “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Whichever angel was assigned to me, I can only assume they have heard a bell ring multiple times, but I am hopeful this continued journey will help me be a beacon of light whenever needed and a little less maintenance.

Angels are considered messengers of God, bringing His message to humanity and guiding us to be better humans. Even if people question divine intervention, we all likely have witnessed the presence of angels on Earth. Look around in our communities. Some people and organizations willingly give their time and money to make a difference in someone’s life. Our colleagues, who show patience, humility, care, grace and empathy to help others rise, are also examples of goodness and light. The random acts of kindness performed even at the smallest level daily for no reason send a message of hope and peace in a tumultuous world.

We can learn from the stories of angels and intercede as an inspiration of goodness in every interaction. Just think of the ramifications. Perhaps the world would be a much kinder and happier place.

On a spiritual level, I know I and others in my circle have been protected and guided by the angels on multiple occasions throughout our lifetime. At 17, I walked away from a horrific moving train versus automobile accident with minor injuries. A couple of years ago, my son survived an accident in bad weather that involved two immovable objects. The deputy at the scene said it was a miracle he wasn’t seriously injured. He walked away physically unscathed but with a deeper appreciation that divine intervention saved him that day.

The most memorable story happened to my friend years ago. I still get goosebumps to this day whenever I think about this story.

My friend was going through a life-or-death health scare. A woman entered the business the day before he was having surgery while he was at work.

Multiple associates were on the floor, but she came directly to my friend. She could barely speak English, but she was carrying angel chimes. She said he needed those chimes. He told me he felt an instant calmness as she was talking with him and felt at that moment that everything was going to be OK, and it was. He said she appeared out of nowhere and vanished in the same manner. She was alone, with no car, and she was gone as he went to see her off.

The story continues because he had a relative who was going through cancer treatments. He felt compelled to give those same angle chimes to her. He explained how those chimes came to be in his possession, and she was incredibly touched. A few days later, her cancer was in remission. He was a vessel in which God’s good works were performed. Coincidence? Maybe, but the way this woman appeared on that particular day, coming directly to him and saying he needed those angel chimes and then disappearing, the timing was divine.

There have been multiple instances throughout my almost 61 years I have felt the nudge and was open to seeing the signs that put me in situations or places I needed to be at that time. Like all humans, I have faltered and sinned, but thank the good Lord, He doesn’t give up on us so quickly. I believe strongly in angels and am so grateful my guardian angel is more than likely one with a good sense of humor and patience. Dealing with Large Marge every day no doubt has its challenges. I am sure there are many stories of how angels have intervened to protect, guide and change the trajectory of lives to serve humanity better. We, as humans, can choose to spread kindness and joy or hate and negativity.

My wish is that whether individuals choose to believe or not, I hope they are open to seeing the signs, feeling the presence of angels, and, at the least, performing good deeds as angels on Earth. Like the angel, Clarence said, “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives.”

  • Lee Ann Raikes, aka “Large Marge,” is a resident of Utica. She is a high school educator at Regional Office of Education 35 Academy and has been involved in education for more than 20 years.
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