Princeton High School junior reads Martin Luther King Jr. essay at Jan. 20 council meeting

Mayor invited student to highlight Civil Rights leader

Princeton High School junior Ellen Workman read an essay about the life of Martin Luther King Jr. during the Monday, Jan. 20, 2024, City Council meeting.

Princeton High School junior Ellen Workman read an essay about the life and impact of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the Jan. 20 Princeton City Council meeting.

Princeton Mayor Ray Mabry said he asked Princeton High School if a student would want to highlight King with the City Council meeting falling on the holiday in honor of the Civil Rights leader. Workman volunteered.

She highlighted how King’s work had lasting effects on Civil Rights.

“King was truly dedicated to the fight for equal rights,” she said to the council. “He wanted people to not form opinions of others not based on the color of their skin, but based on their kindness.”

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