Write Team: Power to change your game

Sally M. Van Cura

For a kid who grew up just blocks from “White Sox park” in Chicago, baseball terms have a way of sneaking into my thoughts, especially when I reflect on life.

One of the most familiar expressions from the game, “getting thrown a curveball,” feels like an almost universal metaphor. In baseball, the curveball is a pitch that veers sharply from its anticipated trajectory, confounding even the best hitters. It’s deceptive, unexpected and forces quick adjustments. Life, as it turns out, is full of curveballs.

Every morning, we wake up ready to face the routine challenges of our everyday lives. These challenges are often predictable – fastballs we’ve seen before, ones we know how to handle. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, life throws that curveball: a complete, life-changing event that takes us by total surprise. It could be a job loss, a diagnosis, a relationship shift or even an unexpected opportunity that seems daunting at first. And suddenly, the advice we’ve all heard – “move into the ball and hit it as hard as you can” – sounds easier said than done.

Every one of us has faced that moment when the speed and trajectory of our “pitch” changed and we were forced to adjust. For some, it might feel natural. For others, it’s terrifying, disorienting. But no matter how much it rattles us, that adjustment is critical. If we don’t step into the challenge, make the best of our swing and adapt, the ball – and the moment – will pass us by. It will settle into the catcher’s mitt, leaving us stuck in place, unable to move forward.

The curveball moments of life hold incredible potential. They challenge us to grow in ways we never imagined. They connect us to people and opportunities we never thought we’d encounter. But that only happens if we muster the courage to adjust, to try, to swing.

Life will throw the curveballs. It’s not a matter of if but when. And when it happens, I urge you to make the adjustment. Lean into the discomfort, the uncertainty and the fear. Because if you let that ball pass, you miss not just the challenge but also the possibilities it holds. Possibilities for growth, for change, for new connections that could shape your life in ways you can’t yet see.

We’re all facing these moments, each in our own way. And just like in baseball, it’s not about how many times you strike out. It’s about how many times you step back up to the plate, ready for the next pitch.

So when life throws you that curveball, remember: It’s not just about making contact, it’s about swinging with purpose – because every swing holds the power to change your game.

Sally M. Van Cura is the former executive director of La Salle County Court Appointed Special Advocates and has held many other leadership roles for nonprofit organizations throughout the Illinois Valley.

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