Marshall-Putnam 4-H Meat Judging Team takes top honor

Team receives 4 first place finishes at Feb. 8 contest

The Marshall-Putnam Junior 4-H Meat Judging team was back at it again on Feb. 8 in Seward for a competition at Eickman’s Meat Processing Company.  The first year team is made up (in particular order) of Raylen Campbell, Hunter Heckman and Carter Keller from the Putnam County Progressors, as well as Maleigha Blunier, Chase Hattan and Cooper Hattan from the Steuben Rangers 4-H club.

The Marshall-Putnam Junior 4-H Meat Judging team was back at it again on Feb. 8 in Seward for a competition at Eickman’s Meat Processing Company.

The first-year team is made up of Raylen Campbell, Hunter Heckman and Carter Keller from the Putnam County Progressors, as well as Maleigha Blunier, Chase Hattan and Cooper Hattan from the Steuben Rangers 4-H club.

The team competed against other junior teams of third through eighth graders. Each team was tested on the quality and yield grade of carcasses, retail cut identification and how they are prepared, primal cuts and a written exam.

Once again, the M-P Jr. Meat Judging team had an impressive showing. They had a clean sweep on Saturday with four first-place finishes in all four judging categories. The team also walked away with the Top Junior Team title. In addition, Maleigha Blunier finished first overall individually, with Hunter Heckman coming in second place and Carter Keller finishing in fourth.

The team’s final competition of the year is the State Meat Judging contest at the University of Illinois on Feb. 28. The M-P 4-H Junior Meats Judging Team is coached by John Heiser and Darin Blunier.

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